Nice Times with Akilah Hughes


Akilah Hughes is really fucking funny.

The comedic polymath's most recent projects include the hit HBO show Pod Save America where she got to hang in a hotel room with Chance the Rapper and Steph Curry while talking about hitting the polls; a book of personal essays set to be published in the “not too distant future,” and just last week launched an engrossing series called "Friends with Secrets." In the series, Hughes, along with Timothy Goodman and Robyn Kanner engage in a social experiment detailing the trials, tribulations, and lols of online text therapy (if you have things to do, don't click that link).

She also is the auteur of our favorite tweet of all time, the savagely accurate response to People Magazine's 2017 choice for "Sexiest Man Alive." 

We sat down with Hughes in her beautiful Brooklyn apartment (when I walked in she was boiling cinnamon, Martha has things to learn) to understand how she uses weed and what she's excited about right now. She also let us rifle through and photograph her stash box. And, if you enjoy laughter or dedication to color themes you should follow her immediately on Instagram


Virgo/ She-Her/ NYC

Tell us about yourself.

29, Single, stretching myself too thin. I do comedy in all of its forms so trying to get back to it in 2019.


What are you proud about right now?

Steph Curry follows me on Twitter.

What was your first experience with weed?

I smoked on my college campus and didn’t feel “high.” It was Kentucky so it wasn’t the best stuff. We all walked a mile to Sonic for Grilled Cheeses.

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What do you like using? Any favorite brands?

Kiva edibles are just so yummy. Edipure has the best gummies. I’m more into THC than CBD, more sativa than indica these days.

What does “wellness” mean to you?

Lately wellness is just taking time off working to focus just on me. Balance is al I aim for.

Favorite nighttime ritual?

My skin is super sensitive so I do like a full hour of cleansing and moisturizing while watching YouTube music videos.

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What skincare product do you swear by?

Drunk Elephant Best No. 9 Jelly Cleanser. Gets all the makeup off AND isn’t too fragrant.

What do you wish people understood about weed?

That everyone is unique so there are no miracle products. ALSO that until black people who’ve been disenfranchised because of marijuana usage, this industry will be immoral. That should be priority numero uno.

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What do you admire most in your friends?

All of my friends are passionate, but not pigeonholed. We all have lots of interests so it’s never a boring time.

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Favorite munchies?

I can no longer keep cereal in my house. It’s too good.

If you’re not feeling nice, what do you do?

I tend to isolate myself because I do have real dominant energy that can affect other people.

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What’s the advice you want to listen to more?

Take a deep breath. Calm down. Then react.

Dream presidential candidate for 2020?

BETO for VP, don’t know who for president.