Nice Times with Jorden Kedem 😊🍴

When you’re invited to someone’s home you quickly get a sense of who they are. Meeting Jorden Kedem last year after being invited to an infused dinner two things quickly became clear; damn she can cook and, of course, she has good taste. Having dosed us at perfect levels (no small feat when you’re serving a group of 8) we knew she was a trusted resource. For Jorden, 8 people was a small dinner. Having worked in cannabis for many years before launching her career as a private chef she has cooked large experiential dinners all the way to making standout meals for individuals. Telling us about the trials and triumphs of being a cannabis chef we’ll never forget the time she recounted a kitchen falling through leaving her with a large crowd of hungry people waiting to eat. Her solution? Order pizza and top it with keef. We tested this combo and can attest it’s a perfect combo.

From showing us bespoke designer accessories to always having access to *the* most gorgeous purple nuggs, lighting up with Jorden is a sensory experience. She even introduced us to Brooklyn Blackout Cake, a post-session munchie that we need to credit, and thank her for. We visited Jorden at her childhood home in the Valley before her family’s Shabbat to peek into how she uses cannabis in her day-to-day life.



Sagittarius/Her/She /LA/NY

Tell us about yourself:

If I had to break it down, I am all about good food, family, and the experiences that surround them.

I learned to cook through family time and am not classically trained even though I now cook for small and large clients. Cooking has built the most important relationships in my life.


What are you proud about right now?

I've helped a client with Crohn's disease overcome post op inflammation and pain recently by restructuring their diet and teaching them the importance of adaptogens and vitamins on a daily basis. It felt like a huge accomplishment!

What was your first experience with weed?

Ditched the first day of 11th grade to smoke it with the person who is still my best friend.

What do you like using? Any favorite brands?

I love 710 labs flower, extracts and pre-rolls. As far as topicals, FORIA has my heart!


What does "wellness" mean to you?

Listening to your body first, and establishing a balance in everything you do.

Favorite nighttime ritual?

Slathering my hinoki/avo body cream from le labo and smoking a mindfully rolled joint :)

What skincare products do you swear by?

Anything by Biologique Recherche, but most importantly, their Lotion P50 toner.


What do you wish people understood about weed?

Everyone’s experience varies!

What do you admire most in your friends?

Creativity overflows! So many of them are entrepreneurs / artists who are KILLING IT and making so much positive change! It leaves me so inspired.

Favorite munchies?

Extra Hot Cheetos and Mango con Chile.


If you're not feeling nice, what do you do?

4 words: shameless-self-care-day.

What's the advice you want to listen to more?

“Listen twice as much as you speak.”

Dream presidential candidate in 2020?

 Woody Harrelson forever!!