How an Instagram Algorithm Change Created This Empire

Johnathan Adler stash jar.

"Even famous people love famous people" reads @commentsbycelebs tagline. Judging from the 1.4 million followers they've amassed in under 2 years it looks like everyone loves reading (and commenting on) a celebrity clapback. Created by Emma Diamond and Julie Kramer, what began as a reaction to an Instagram algorithm tweak grew into a Comments by empire including merchandise, a podcast and a combined following of over 1.5 million followers (if you like Bravoathletes or The Bachelor they have you covered).

Keep scrolling to see Diamond and Kramer's weed stashes, what they do to feel nice and what they wish people understood about weed. 

Malin + Goetz cannabis candle.

Malin + Goetz cannabis candle.


ED: Libra/She/NYC

JK: Scorpio/She/NYC

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Where are you from? How did you get to New York?

ED: I’m originally from northern Jersey, but my parents have had an apartment in the city for my whole life. Most of my family lives here as well, and being in northern jersey is only a 30 minute drive to my apartment. The city has always been a big part of my life. 

JK: I’m originally from Connecticut. I grew up coming into the city often because I was only a quick train ride away. I very recently made the move to living in the city full time, as so much of our business requires being in New York. 

Lowell Smokes CBD pre rolls.

Lowell Smokes CBD pre rolls.

What made you start Comments by Celebs?

ED: I started Comments By Celebs in 2017, when IG changed their algorithm to highlight verified comments. I started to notice these hilarious celebrity interactions that had previously gone unseen, and knew I had to capitalize on it. If my friends and I were this intrigued, I knew other people would be too. 

Custom Comments by Celebs Le Labo candle, Blue Lagoon Iceland scented oil.

Custom Comments by Celebs Le Labo candle, Blue Lagoon Iceland scented oil.

What was your first experience with weed?

ED: The first time I ever smoked was sophomore year of high school. Two of my guy friends and I stayed after school, and went behind a random house in town. We smoked one joint and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Inhaling was a foreign concept. After, we went back to the school library and watched optical illusion videos on YouTube. “Do you feel it?” we asked each other, both stone cold sober. It took me a few times to get the hang of it, to say the least. 

JK: My first time smoking was the summer before my sophomore year of high school. My friends and I were at sleepaway camp. On the last night of camp, we snuck into the woods to try it all together for the very first time. 

What do you like using? Any favorite brands?

ED: I’m big into edibles and flower. Pens and vapes don’t really do it for me. I don’t like not knowing how much I’m getting, and feel that I often lose track when vaping. For edibles, Green Hornet, Camino and Cheeba Chews are my favorites brands. I also thoroughly enjoy the Dr. Norms cookies. I’m all about sativas or hybrid for flower, indica fucks me up. 

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JK: I love an edible, specifically a sativa gummy - Camino pineapple jalapeño and green hornets are my go-to’s. I do, however, love the act of sitting with friends and passing around a joint. I consider it one of my favorite ‘pastimes.'

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What does "wellness" mean to you?

ED: I think my definition of wellness changes based on circumstance. At the core, it means making time for myself, regardless of what I need to use that time for. It’s sometimes doing something active, and sometimes it’s about staying in bed and shutting out the world. Or maybe a medley of the two. For me, wellness represents listening to my body and my mind. 

JK: For me, I don’t find that I have a traditional definition of the word ‘wellness,' as I don’t find it’s something I actively think about throughout my day. However, I do find that there are often times where a busy or stressful day will catch up to me and I recognize I have to take time for myself to relax. So being able to recognize those times and how to manage them, is what I would consider to be my own personal wellness. 

What skincare products do you swear by?

ED: Mario Badescu aloe toner, Drunk Elephant B-Hydra, Clinique eye makeup remover, Palmers Cocoa Butter swivel chapstick, Bio Oil, Coconut Oil. Too many to name. 

JK: The Nue Co collagen powder is my absolute favorite product I own and the La Mer moisturizer, which I always attempt to make last as long as humanly possible.

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What do you wish people understood about cannabis?

ED: I would love to remove the idea that it’s synonymous with laziness. Productivity and marijuana can co-exist. 

JK: I also think there is a common misconception that smoking weed has a negative impact on your productivity and overall drive. I think each person is affected differently by smoking and some find they can be high and incredibly productive at the same time. For me, I tend to use getting high as a reward for getting my work done, and a way to relax after a long day.

What do you admire most in your friends?

ED: The common denominator among all of the people closest to me is undoubtedly their loyalty. I admire, love and appreciate the fact that I never have to question their intentions. It is such a comforting feeling. 

JK: I am very fortunate to have friends who appreciate and understand the joy of staying in and just hanging out. I love having friends who just love to laugh as much as I do.

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Favorite munchies?

ED: Frozen yogurt. I fucking love frozen yogurt. 

JK: Sour Skittles and a diet peach Snapple.

If you're not feeling nice, what do you do?

ED: I find that focusing on gratitude is the best mood reset. 

JK: I love to be alone and just reset. If I’m in a bad mood, it usually means I need a nap or a snack. 

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What's the advice you want to listen to more?

ED: I want to be more spontaneous. The ‘yolo’ thought process is one that resonates with me, but I often find myself letting minor logistics get in the way. I’d love to internalize the ‘fuck it, let’s just go’ mentality a bit more. 

JK: My mom always tells me I should make my bed every morning, as a productive way to start off my day - I guess I should start there.

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What's the advice you'd give to someone starting their business? A wildly popular Instagram?

ED: Trust yourself. If you have a gut feeling about something, you’re probably right. Surround yourself with people who make you want to do better and think bigger; complacency can be the root of failure. Be patient with yourself and your process, nothing great happens overnight. 

JK: Stay true to your brand. People connect to authenticity and they know when you are doing something that feels off brand. For us, we found a lot of power in the word ‘no.'

The Julia Roberts crystals in question.

The Julia Roberts crystals in question.

What's one of your favorite interactions from Comments by Celebs?

ED: In September of 2018, we posted this iconic Julia Roberts clapback. In the photo, Julia clapped back at a follower who criticized her ‘ugly black nail polish’ by clarifying that it was in fact ‘navy polish with garnet crystals as a grounding accent.’ We tagged her manicurist, Mazz Hanna, in the picture, and ended up becoming friendly with her via DM. She sent us these beautiful healing crystals as a thank you for the tag. They still make me so happy to look at.