Every Retrograde That Will Happen in 2020

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By @jakesastrolgoy

It’s only a couple weeks into the 2020 and too much crazy shit has already gone down–not just in the realms of politics (and all the natural disasters happening around the globe) but in the stars, too! 2020 is a huge year. Right out the gate on January 12 we’re experiencing the first Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in about five centuries which is bringing the end of a 38 year long cycle revolving around the transformation of societal structures and the ‘status quo.’ The Saturn/Pluto conjunction was building up for all of 2019 and its effects will continue to be felt until the end of October this year. 

Every 13 years, Jupiter, planet of abundance and growth, joins up with tiny Pluto, the planet of destruction and rebirth. While the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is tearing down societal pillars and restructuring governments and cultures around the globe, they’re making quite the mess. Luckily, Jupiter is arriving just in time to sweep up the clutter and help us create a world where all its inhabitants can achieve equality and equity–as long as we’re willing to work for it (AKA, get your ass out there and vote this year, dammit). The effects of this transit are felt year-round, but the height of the action occurs April 4, June 30, and November 12.

At the very end of the year, on December 21, Jupiter and Saturn, planet of structure, team up just a few days after they both enter Aquarius, the most humanitarian, progressive sign. This is helping to galvanize all of the positive changes on the worldwide scale this year, and it’s also helping lay a sturdy foundation so that these positive changes stick around for a long time. It bears repeating that we as a collective have to work for these changes. The planets aren’t waving a magic wand and *poof* making everything magically better. All of this action is happening in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of dedication and labor, or involves serious Saturn, the zodiac’s taskmaster, or both. 

Just like every year, we have a few Mercury retrogrades going on–all in water signs, by the way, which means that when the planet of communication is moonwalking backwards through the signs, the purpose is to help you rework the way you share your feelings with others. Mercury is retrograde from February 16 until March 9 in Pisces, June 18 until July 12 in Cancer, and October 13 until November 3 in Scorpio.

Also worth noting is Venus, planet of love, goes retrograde this year, too, from May 13 until June 25. Venus goes retrograde the least out of all the planets in the sky, and as it’s shuffling backwards through the sign of Gemini this spring, you can anticipate a ton of relationship drama. When Venus is retrograde, it marks a time where you’re meant to be observing your relationships, reworking the way you connect with others, and cutting off toxic or expired relationships. Since it’s in Gemini (the sign of communication) a huge focus in placed on the way you talk to your friend or partner. Gemini is infamous for being non-committal and this Venus Retrograde is also dedicated to teaching you the value of consistency and giving you the ability to look at relationships as a whole, not judge your friendship/partnership based on how you feel in the moment. 

Another rare event, Mars Retrograde, occurs this year, too, from September 9 until November 13. Mars goes retrograde about once every two years, and this year it’s all taking place in fiery Aries. Mars rules action, aggression, and libido, so when Mars is retrograde you’re low on energy, grouchy, new projects don’t go anywhere, and your sex drive is basically non-existent. Use this period to go back in time and look at old goals and personal projects that you were unable to complete, and determine whether or not they’re worth finishing. Mars Retrograde is a tough time, not gonna lie, but this years’ retrograde is a “best case scenario” type of deal because it’s in its favorite sign, Aries.

There are several eclipses in 2020, too. The first was on January 10, a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, which brought about sudden losses or disappointments that were meant to help you clear out space in your life for relationships, jobs, or personal goals that are more aligned with who you are on an inner level, not on an external, superficial, materialistic level. 

The next eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, on June 5. This is the first Sagittarius eclipse in about a decade, and this particular eclipse is initiating a new cycle that influences the way you communicate with others. Are you too preachy? Do you change your mind just to suit the opinions of those around you? How open are you to learning and accepting different ways of thinking from others? This eclipse will highlight the faults of your communication style, and pushes you to be more considerate of how your words and actions influence others. 

On June 21, there’s a Solar Eclipse in Cancer. This is a much happier eclipse than the previous two, because Solar Eclipses represent sudden opportunities and gains. You can anticipate the chance to reconnect with your family, improve your home life (or even move), and get in touch with your emotions on a much deeper level. 

July 5’s eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, the final eclipse in the Cancer/Capricorn cycle for the next decade or so. Materialistic sensibilities or any work/home imbalances in your life have been major themes since Summer 2018, and this is your final chance to build a bridge and get over that shit. You can’t achieve external success or reach your goals if you don’t have a stable emotional foundation to support you first. You might lose a job that makes you work so hard that you have to ignore friends and family. If you invest all your time and energy into work or focusing on perfecting your public image/reputation, then many doors may close during this time while the eclipse pushes you to honor your inner, emotional needs. It’ll be difficult, but as a result of these losses your life trajectory will shift so you can become the best version of yourself internally and externally.

November 30 is the day of the first Gemini eclipse in around a decade, and this one is a Lunar Eclipse too. Like the Sagittarius eclipse, your focus is pulled to the way you communicate with others. You’re also becoming much more self-aware in regards to any part of you that might be considered shallow or superficial. It’s nice to connect with a variety of people and have a huge network of acquaintances, but how many people in your life are truly close to you? This eclipse is urging you to think on that.

The final eclipse of 2020 is a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14. This is your “aha!” moment–a massive lightbulb is going off with this eclipse. It’s helping you to understand the ways that your words and actions influence other people, and how others’ words and actions impact your life, too. You’re being given the opportunity to shed mental barriers like prejudices, assumptions about the world, or any form of closed-mindedness, so that you can broaden your horizons and open your mind (and heart) to all varieties of other people. 

The big focus of 2020 is recalibrating the balance between your head and your heart. 2019’s vibes were extremely polarized. We saw the rise of the ultra-right wing conservative political figures, a variety of propaganda, and the evolution of “call-out culture,” and people on all sides of the political/ideological spectrum were just spewing their opinions, acting on emotional urges, and refusing to budge. The astrology of 2020 is encouraging you to honor your emotions without recklessly acting on them, consider others before you say/do something, and learn how to compromise. All of the Saturn/Pluto drama of 2019 made you feel like the sky was falling (and shit, you still probably feel that way) but now we’re entering a new period. People aren’t so extreme about everything. We’re developing the skills to pick our words thoughtfully before speaking, clearly communicate our opinions and feelings without ramming them down others’ throats, and learning how to become active listeners, too. Once Jupiter and Saturn team up in Aquarius at the very end of the year, multiple major changes will have taken place on a global scale. 2020 might be the literal “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” but (and it bears repeating again) you have to put in the work to make these positive changes happen.