Already High? Make This

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Cooking can be intimidating. Adding weed can spiral any culinary endeavor into chaos. While I’ve mis-dosed edibles in the past, there were three obvious reasons it happened;

  1. I was a teenager. Teenagers make bad choices.

  2. 15 years ago weed came in Ziploc bags, not state-controlled potency-tested vacuum sealed packages with a cannabinoid and terp breakdown.

  3. Measuring cups felt more like a suggestion than a necessity (they’re a necessity).  

I’m here to tell you cooking with weed makes it nicer. It's cheaper, fresher and you can use better quality weed to make edibles that taste the way you want them to taste. 4 dozen of these cute heart shaped shortbreads at 2.8mg THC per cookie cost under $50 to make and I had a lot of weed butter left over. 

Before we get into this particular recipe, a few hacks before making any edible;

  1. Make weed butter BEFORE you get the urge to go all Julia Child on your kitchen.

  2. Get a weed calculator like this one. You’re going to back out the percent THC to figure out exactly how many milligrams of weed you have.

  3. Infuse your oil/butter ahead of time. We like to pour our infused butter into an ice cube tray for future use. 

    • We like this tray that has a lid and holds 3 tablespoons per cube stops freezer burn and the butter from acquiring any funky freezer taste.

    • Levo also sells a tray.

  4. Either get a Levo or follow these instructions. We like butter because of its universality in cooking and it’s butter. Butter is delicious. 

  5. Get a measuring spoon. A tablespoon and a teaspoon ideally.

  6. Get a mold tray for cookies and that fits about a tablespoon, like this one. Why? You won't overdose a serving, it's pre-dosed leaving less room for error. 

  7. Get weed.

OK, so, onto making some edibles that even a high person can’t fuck up. We hung out with  @thegeminibake  to also learn the best decoration hacks for when you don’t know anything about making things pretty. If you're looking for a date idea, this is it.

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  • Our batch had 15% THC and 7% CBD. When making edibles, to be precise, buy weed that's transparent on % THC.

  • This means our entire infusion will have 531mg of THC and 106mg of CBD

  • With this breakdown we are infusing 2 cups of butter.

  • Each cup of butter has 266mg of THC and 58mg of CBD.

  • As this recipe and accompanying tin makes 48 cookies, we decided to make low-dose edibles so you can choose your own adventure. To do this we used 1/2 infused butter and 1/2 non-infused butter. Each cookie will have 2.8mg of THC, the perfect amount to enjoy a few.

  • II takes AT LEAST an hour and an average of two hours for edibles to kick in. For more on how edibles work click here.

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  • 1/2 cup of infused weed butter and 1/2 cup of non-infused butter. We used a LEVO infusing 3 cups for 2.5 hours at 160-175°F.

  • 3/4 cup of sugar.

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla.

  • 2 1/2 cups flour.

Preheat oven to 300°F. Spray pan with vegetable pan spray. In a medium mixing bowl, cream butter sugar and vanilla. Add flour and mix until dough is smooth. Chill dough one hour. Take a tablespoon of dough and press into baking tin. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until very lightly browned. Cool 10 minutes in pans and remove shortbread to cool. Baked shortbread can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for several weeks or frozen for two months. 

Makes 4 dozen small cookies.

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Icing instructions:

  • 4 cups (480g) confectioners’ sugar, sifted

  • 3 Tablespoons meringue powder

  • 9–10 Tablespoons room temperature water

  • Food coloring

In a large bowl using a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat all of the icing ingredients together on high speed for 1.5 – 2 minutes. 

When lifting the whisk up off the icing, the icing should drizzle down and smooth out within 5-10 seconds. If it’s too thick, add a little more water. If it’s too thin, add a little more sifted confectioners’ sugar.

Separate into 4 cups and mix your favorite food coloring into each separate cup, keep one white so you can dip decorate.

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Once cookies are cooled,with a spoon start drizzling different colors together. If you want to get fancy get a toothpick and feather cookies. 

For a dip tie die effect take the white icing you left alone and carefully place a few food color drops on the surface of the icing. With a toothpick carefully swirl the colors making sure to not make it too blended. You want streaks of color. Dip cookies in making sure to catch the sides.

Wait 15 minutes, eat and have a nice day.